Friday, June 29, 2007

Lake Nakuru and Maasai Mara

1 comment:

Ginger said...

Greetings again to you Lake Nakuru visitors,
These new photos are great. This stuff is better than TV! All we need now is sound!
Caitlin, I just want to remind you that you had better not bring any of those wild animals home when you come. There is no room in our home for a baby elephant, rhino, flamingo or anything else, so don't get any big ideas like you always do! I have suffered enough with the fish (Bert & Ernie), the hermit crab from the beach (Herbithia), 4 different dogs, ants that I am presently feeding while you are gone, and I won't even mention the bunny you hid for 2 weeks because you wanted one! Just know that those animals there in Africa like where they live and need to stay there! Love, Momo xoxox